• Parents as Teachers is a partnership program that supports parents in their role as their child’s first and most influential teacher. Children learn more during their early years of life than at any other point in their lives in or outside of school. The Parents as Teachers research-based curriculum is used to educate parents about child development and parenting issues. 

    All services are FREE of charge to all Fox C6 School District residents with children from prenatal to kindergarten entry.


    Parents as Teachers currently has a wait list. However, please complete the enrollment form as soon as possible. We will reach out as soon as we can match your family with a parent educator. By enrolling now, you'll also receive the Parents as Teachers newsletter and an invitation to fun events for the whole family.

    Click here to Register for Personal Visits  

  • The Parents as Teachers program offers four important components of support for families:  

  • Personal Visits

  • Group Connections

  • Screenings

  • Resource Network

  • Research has shown that:

    Children who participate in Parents as Teachers:

    • Are significantly more advanced in language, social development, problem solving and other cognitive abilities at age 3 than other children.

    • Score higher on kindergarten readiness tests and on standardized measures of achievement in early grades.

    Parents who participate in Parents as Teachers:

    • Are more involved in their children's schooling.

    • Are more confident in their parenting role and read more to their children.





Parents as Teachers Contact Information

    Jackie McNabb  
    Jackie McNabb

    Parents as Teachers Supervisor

    Office Phone: (636)282-1476
    Office Address: 849 Jeffco BLVD, Arnold, MO 63010 (Fox C-6 Service Center, Main lobby entrance)