• Parent Educators

    A Parent Educator is a mentor who has been certified by Parents as Teachers in Early Childhood. They visit families and engage the parents and children in activities, provide information about child development, and discuss parenting issues and concerns with the family.

    Research has shown that children whose parents were involved in PAT were better prepared for Kindergarten in the areas of language, social development, problem solving and intellectual abilities. They also scored higher on standardized measures of reading and math achievement than did comparison children.

    A Parent Educator will be assigned to your family after you register. Your Parent Educator will discuss convenient appointment times to meet with you and your child.


    Kathi Allen- AllenK@foxc6.org

    Christy Borjas- BorjasC@foxc6.org

    Lisa Busch- BuschL@foxc6.org

    Jen Hamilton- HamiltonJ@foxc6.org

    Stacey Johnston- JohnstonS@Foxc6.org

    Sherry Lipic-Clintsman- LipicclintsmanS@foxc6.org

    Mary Peterson- PetersonMA@foxc6.org

    Angie Thorn- ThornA@foxc6.org

    Stephanie Polizzi- PolizziS@Foxc6.org

    Meagan Berlin- BerlinM@Foxc6.org