Late Start Information

  • The Fox C-6 School District is proposing adding late start days to the school calendar to encourage staff collaboration. While discussing this proposal with staff and family groups, several questions have arisen about implementing a late start schedule. Please review the questions and answers below regarding the proposed late start schedule for the 2025-2026 school year. 


Family/Community FAQs

  • How late would school start on late start days?

  • What day of the week would be a late start day?

  • When would late start days begin?

  • How will I know when late start days are going to happen?

  • Would a late start day be rescheduled if there is an inclement weather day on a Wednesday?

  • Would late start days decrease the amount of time teachers are pulled from classes for PD and curriculum work?

  • Would we have to start making up snow days if late start days were implemented?

  • Why does Fox need to institute late starts?

  • What if families do not have childcare for an extra hour on late start days?

  • How will students get to school on late start days?

  • Will buses run on their normal schedules on late start days?

  • Is a late start schedule a cost-saving measure?

  • What will students do if they are dropped off during the normal drop-off time?

  • Will breakfast still be available for students in the morning on late start days?

  • How would a late start schedule impact the block schedule structure in the high schools?

  • How would a late start schedule impact the middle school schedule?

  • How would a late start schedule impact the elementary school schedule?

  • How many late starts would students have in a school year?

  • Will teachers participate in PLC time outside of the weekly late start time?

  • Does implementing a late start schedule decrease my special education student’s IEP minutes?

  • Can this teacher collaboration occur during the day instead of late starts?

  • If my student attends the Area Technical School or other out-of-district career and technical education programs, would those programs start later on Wednesdays, too?

  • How would late start days impact CKC?

  • How would late start days impact Don Earl Early Childhood?

  • How would late start days impact the Building Blocks program?

Staff FAQs

  • I am a classified staff member. Will my work schedule change with a late start schedule?

  • Will late start days take the place of professional development days?

  • How will singleton teachers (educators who are the only people in a building that teach a specific content) collaborate?