Student Considerations for Success with Virtual Courses

  • The following skills are necessary for student success in virtual coursework:

    • Student has demonstrated time-management skills that indicate the student is capable of submitting assignments and completing course requirements without reminders
    • Student has demonstrated persistence in overcoming obstacles and willingness to seek assistance when needed.
    • Student has demonstrated verbal or written communication skills that would allow the student to succeed in an environment where the instructor may not provide nonverbal cues to support the student’s understanding.
    • Student has the necessary computer or technical skills to succeed in a virtual course.
    • Student has access to technology resources to participate in a virtual course.
    • Consideration of the student’s previous success (or struggle) in virtual coursework.


    More information about which students might be best served by virtual learning can be found here:

    Michigan Virtual Learning Readiness Rubric
    Missouri School Board Association Research about Virtual Learning