Intra-District Transfer Requests

  • This page is intended for use by families that currently live inside the Fox C-6 attendance area and wish for your student to transfer to a different school within the Fox C-6 School District. 
    Designated attendance areas for all schools shall be established by the Fox C-6 Board of Education to make optimum use of district school facilities. Students residing within the attendance area of a school shall attend that school, except as otherwise provided by the policies of the Fox C-6 Board of Education. 
    Students shall attend the school designated for the attendance area in which the student resides. Under exceptional circumstances, however, a student may be permitted to transfer to a school outside of the student’s attendance area. If approved, these transfers must be renewed annually. 
    Utilize the links below to request a transfer for a student to attend a Fox C-6 school besides their home school. If you currently reside outside of the Fox C-6 attendance area and are planning to move into the Fox C-6 attendance area, please contact the school building your student will attend for assistance with the enrollment process.