This week, Mr. Laybourn has passed the honor to Ms. Rachel Watkins! 
Mr. Laybourn had these incredible words to share:
"Mrs. Rachel Watkins is this week's Staffulty award winner. It is a privilege to work with this fine educator. Mrs. Watkins is a remarkable professional who always gives 100%... and then some. Her dedication to her students and to those around her is an inspiration. Not only does she work hard, but she is also highly effective. Her students are thrilled to be in her class and look forward to being there. A leader amongst our staff, Mrs. Watkins is the kind of teacher we should all try to emulate. Well done, Ma’am. Her performance reflects great credit upon herself, Fox High School, our district, and the great State of Missouri."
Congratulations, Ms. Watkins! Your hard work, leadership, and passion for education truly make a difference. Thank you for all you do for our students and school! 
#StarStaffultyOfTheWeek #LeadingByExample #DedicatedEducator #MakingADifference