Hodge Families, you will find links to Google Folders that contain all Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) documents for this school year. Please select the folder that corresponds with your child's current grade level. Please follow the directions on each of the documents. Paper copies of these documents have also been sent home with your child. For a timeline of which AMI packet to complete, please see the information below.
AMI Timeline:
Snowday 1- Traditional Snowday
Snowday 2- Traditional Snowday
Snowday 3- AMI Day 1
Snowday 4- AMI Day 2
Snowday 5- AMI Day 3
Snowday 6- AMI Day 4
Snowday 7- AMI Day 5
Snowday 8- AMI Day 6
Snowdays 9 and Beyond- Likely made up at the end of the school year calendar.