Welcome to the Hodge Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization Page.
Our Purpose: To enhance the educational and community experience at Hodge by supporting activities that will benefit the majority of the student body.
Our Philosophy: To include as many families as possible to help support the students and teachers at Hodge Elementary.
What we do: We bring parents and teachers together to enhance and maximize the education of every child through hosting events, fundraising, and supporting student success.
Some of the highlights of our past year as a PTO include:
Purchasing a digital camera to capture student learning and activities
Providing funding to purchase Mystery Science resources
Providing funding to purchase two-way radios to increase safety and communication
Providing staff with staff appreciation gifts
PTO Sponsored Events:
Boo-Hoo/ Yahoo Breakfast
Fall Festival
Holiday Shoppe
Father/Daughter Dance
Mother/Son Night
Hodge Trivia Night
The PTO would like to thank all of our volunteers, past, present, and future, for supporting Hodge Elementary and the PTO!