• Welcome to Meramec Heights Parents' Club/Warrior Supporters!


    For more information on our Meramec Heights parents club, please join our Facebook group.
    Our parents club meets once a month, on the second Monday of each month at 6:00 pm.  We encourage all parents to join and be an active part of the Meramec community.  The parents club sponsors many events throughout the year such as our Ice Cream Social, Fall Festival, Mother/Son Day, and Father/Daughter Dance.  There are opportunities both big and small for parents to be involved.  Our parents club co-presidents are Julie Pozzoli and Becky Heimgartner.  You can email either one by clicking on their name above.

    Parents club volunteers also meet once a month to count, sort, and trim Box Tops for Education labels.  If you would like to volunteer to help with the boxtops, please contact Mindy at mindyricheson@yahoo.com or Kate at kocarter@sbcglobal.com.