Welcome to Sherwood Elementary

  • Sherwood is home to approximately 360 students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade. Sherwood is fortunate to be located adjacent to the Arnold Recreation Center and Jefferson County Library.

    Mission Statement

    Success for every student.


    Every Student Counts, Every Moment Matters


    1. Be Proactive
    2. Begin with the End in Mind
    3. Put First Things First
    4. Think Win-Win
    5. Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood
    6. Synergize
    7. Sharpen  the Saw


    • Students will put first things first by reading at least 100 minutes per week.
    • Students will begin with the end in mind by showing mastery in grade level math skills by the end of the school year.
    • Students will be proactive in school by maintaining 95% or better attendance rate.

Sherwood Elementary Contact Information

  • School Hours

    Start time: 8:10 am
    End Time: 3:10 pm
    Parent Pickup: 3:10 pm

    1769 Missouri State Rd
    Arnold, MO 63010

    Phone: (636) 282-6965
    Fax: (636) 282-6966

    Mrs. Jessica Meeks Ed.S

    Shellie Manes
    Assistant Principal

    Nicole Butram
    Building Secretary