Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide a means of communication between the teachers and the parents of the Seckman Middle School students. This communication will enhance the participation of parents with the education of their children.
The more that the parent is involved in their child’s life, the better chances of creating a well-rounded student that will lead the next generation.About This Site
This site will inform the parents of upcoming events and fundraisers. The parents that supply us with an e-mail address will be notified of such things as dances, sporting events, and any other important item related to the well-being of your child. Participation in any of these events is always welcome.
The Parent Teachers Organization meets quarterly at 6:30 pm on Thursdays throughout the school year. We are always looking for new faces and fresh ideas. We look forward to seeing you in the library at our next meeting. The first two meetings for the 23-24 school year are on September 21st and November 9th.
PTO Spiritwear