Lone Dell Elementary School

Achievement Character Excellence

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      School Announcements

      • Back to School Information

        August 7, 2024


        Dear Lone Dell Families:


        We are excited to begin a new school year, and cannot wait to welcome our students back to school on Tuesday, August 20th. If you haven’t done so already, please fill out the Parent Survey that was sent last week. This survey is an important tool for us to gather your feedback and understand your needs and expectations better.


        Class Lists 

        Lists are being finalized and you will be able to see who your child’s teacher is on Monday, August 12th. If you have NOT completed registration, please do so immediately so we can add your child to a class list.


        Open House

        Open House is Thursday, August 15th. Logistically, we need to spread things out to help minimize the number of people in the building at one time and to help with parking. From 5:30-6:30 p.m. students whose last names begin A-L are welcome to visit classrooms. From 6:30-7:30 p.m. families with last names M-Z can visit. If you have students in your family who are in both groups, there is no need to go to both, please choose between one of those options. We ask that you exit the building after your time in the classroom to make room for the next group. Please bring your child’s school supplies that evening.


        School Supplies

        The Lone Dell Supply List can be found on the district website when you navigate to the Lone Dell school page. When you hover your mouse over “Families”, the School Supplies link is located in the dropdown that populates.


        School Times

        Our buses begin dropping off students at 8:30. Our late bell rings at 8:50. Our buses pull away at 3:50 in the afternoon.


        Morning Parent Drop Off 

        Please view the attached map for drop off locations. To keep traffic moving and for the safety of our students and staff we have two locations. PLEASE DRIVE SLOWLY. 

        Kindergarten and 1st grade drop off at the side fenced playground. We ask that you wait to drop off until 8:35, to allow our buses the chance to unload and exit the campus. If buses are still unloading, please find a parking spot to wait until the buses clear out. 

        2nd through 5th grade (8:35) drop off behind the building at the gym doors. If you have students in multiple grades (including K-1), please drop off behind the building at the gym doors to avoid having to wait in two lines. Multiple staff members will be there to assist students. Please have your child ready to exit your vehicle.